Journey to Bethlehem - Now, it’s your journey

Dec 24, 2023    Nathan Geesey

This sermon is going to take you on a journey through scripture to discover the events of the birth of Jesus. It is not what we have learned from the Christmas Traditions that have been passed down to us. This journey will explore and answer many questions, such as: When did May and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem? What were the instructions of Moses regarding the birth of a child? What did the sign given to the Shepards indicate?

The Christmas Traditions of Jesus being born in a barn with the animals because there was no room for them in Bethlehem comes from the False Gospel of James written 120-years after the time of Jesus. The writer of this gospel falsely claimed the brother of Jesus was the author. Over the centuries this nativity story was used to promote Jewish antisemitism through the account of Jews rejecting Christ from the time of his birth. The truth is Luke 2:17-18 tells us that the residents of Bethlehem were amazed at the announcement of Jesus’ birth.